Denise Marie Photos


My favorite place with two of my favorite people. There was a moment yesterday where I just stopped. I moved my camera down from my eye and took a deep breath. As I inhaled the beauty I tried to absorb the moment into my entire soul. Katie & Kirby looked at me confused and asked if I was okay. I thought “Yeah, I’ve never been better.” And I told them how freaking grateful I am for them. Sharing their heart with me, listening to mine, supporting me, trusting me…and to think…if I wouldn’t have obeyed God…if I wouldn’t have moved to AZ I would have never met them.

Please remember – God can open door after door but YOU have to walk through them.

This life, this job, this world, all of it. God is so incredible. I live in complete awe of Him daily.

To whoever is reading this…please know that God created you to LIVE. Not just to exist. Thank you for being here, for reading and I hope that you enjoy my art. <3

Florals: Brenna Burnett Florals
Makeup: Liz Cauthron