Denise Marie Photos

When your heart and soul are on FIRE for your “job”…you say yes to a 4 mile hike with florals, an arch, camera gear and wedding attire on your one open Saturday of the summer. Actually….you say HELL YES.
No questions asked.
But really, it’s about the incredible people I get to “work” with. I put job and work in quotations because I am so passionate about this path God has me on that there is no way I would consider it WORK. Or ever say “I have to work.” I GET to work. I have the privilege of being a blessing to so many people and that is something I never want to take for granted.

So. When Brenna approached me with this idea and vision she had…it was a no brainer.
We. LAUGHED. So. Hard.
The entire time you guys.
This experience was one none of us will ever forget and creating these magical images that only exist in fairytales….there’s just no words for that.

A HUGEHUGEHUGE thank you to Bespoke Bride in Bend, OR for allowing us to use this incredible dress with such short notice!

If you have a minute – we would SO appreciate you pinning these to Pinterest!

Florals: Brenna Burnett Florals
Dress: Bespoke Bride
Models: Elisabeth and Jake