Denise Marie Photos

Well, I’m just going to start by saying….I’m OBSESSED!!! With Lauren & Jordan AND their photos. Oh. My Goodness. Wait until you see theeeesse!!!

We had the absolute best time last night celebrating and capturing their engagement! I always tell people to spray the champagne right at me because…well…no one can ever really spray it that far…but Jordan SOAKED me hahahah!! It definitely wasn’t his first champagne pop 😉

Lauren & Jordan – thank you so much for choosing me to tell your story through my camera. I genuinely feel so honored to be a small part of your journey!

I hope that these photos are such a blessing to all of your family & friends for years & years! (and no matter how much time passes, when you look back at them you remember this evening, you remember the excitement, the love & that crazy photographer that Jordan soaked with champagne hahahahahh ;))