Denise Marie Photos

My cheeks are wet with tears and the computer screen is slightly blurry but I’m going to do my best to put these photos and this experience into a few sentences.

Yesterday, I taught my first ever mentorship group at Hookin B Ranch. (that side of the story will be a blog post for later) After spending a couple moments with Logan and Kaley I sensed the dynamic of their marriage and knew these photos would ooze with emotion. The type of couple that even though I’ve known them for .3 seconds – we can make jokes like old friends. We spent the evening walking around their beautiful property, swooning over their adorable little cowpuncher (Ridge Thomas) and soaking up some of the best moments life has to offer.

You see. THIS is what life is about. Not conforming people into who you want them to be. Not doing things selfishly so that you can reap the benefits. But approaching each and every life experience with an open heart that is aching to bless others. That is searching for the next opportunity to serve and being fully present in each moment.

As I edited this preview, my stomach did flips, my heart was in my throat…the anticipation to send these to Kaley just about killed me. (and this shoot was last night…lolol!) I sent her one photo (the first one you see here) and her response was “Denise just this photo alone describes Logan and I completely.”

Okay. Boom. Done. Tears already started falling.

I’m just going to stop there…and let the photos speak for themselves……

oh and ps…the piggy back prompt of “try to buck her off” has never been more fitting for a couple hahahah!!


  • Kaley Blasdell - KMH/ Hookin B Ranch
    May 30, 2019

    Dear Denise,
    I love you. Lol the end….
    Okay just kidding. I cant even put into words how amazing these photos are. You are a truly talented young lady with a heart of gold. Thank you so much! You girl have a big place in our families heart for forever

  • Alyssa orr
    May 30, 2019

    SO GORGEOUS! The boy in the puddle. 😭 the bucking one is adorable! They are such a gorgeous couple and you is so good capturing their love for one another. Seriously, pretty sure this is in my top three shoots you have done. And that’s hard to get in the top three considering all your shots have been flat out amazing. Maybe even top two. This one and the Arizona sunset one! πŸ’― πŸ’―

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