Denise Marie Photos

The ever so familiar ping rang through my ears. I reach for my phone. But quickly remind myself of the new business schedule I’ve set in place. *replying to inquiries, messages, emails, etc. during a set time so I am not constantly consumed* I check the time. Yup, good to reply. (I give myself a mental pat on the back for valuing my commitments I’ve made to myself.)

I see Bianca’s name  – “Haven’t heard from her in a while! Awww I wonder how she’s doing!?” I think to myself…

I met this beautiful girl on a Hawaii trip where we did a couple photos and I have adored her ever since! She was in a little predicament, with the deadline for her senior photo quickly approaching, but not having that one photo she ABSOLUTELY loved to submit. She had seen all the turnip field photos I had been doing and thought that setting would be perfect for her senior photo!

We met for sunrise a couple days later and well….you can see how AMAZING that went…. 🙂 <3