Denise Marie Photos


I met Jake and Elisabeth online the other day and when they said they wanted to hear me sing at the Meridian, I invited them out for my show. I told them my family history of my estranged grandfather from Sweden, my good friend sailor Bob who taught me how to strum a mean guitar and I can honestly say there’s no one else I would have rather spent my 28th birthday with than these two phenomenal people.

If you know me at all…you’re probably like wow, I had NO idea about all of this Denise! Needless to say, we had the waitress all sorts of confused and could barely stop laughing long enough to order. hahahahahah! At one point she said “I’m not sure if you guys are being serious or not…..” but I’m pretty sure she was ready to get off work early to come see me play across the street. hahahahahahahaha.

It’s pretty amazing when you can meet people and swap life stories, talk about real life struggles and joke like old friends with in minutes. There is just something so special about that to me. I value that. I crave more people like that in my life. And God has blessed my life by allowing me to serve these two phenomenal people.

Oh and if you haven’t noticed already – phenomenal was Jake’s word the entire night. hahaha!

We carpooled to Pacific City yesterday and on our way there we were all admiring what a beautiful day it was in Oregon. Passed a lot of gorgeous views, animals…..ignored road signs……big blinking, road signs….announcing road closures….driving on, what was it Jake? Highway 22? Is that the highway we were on? I couldn’t tell ya, my maps wouldn’t load. BUT that sign back there said hwy 22 was closed…wonder if that’s this highway….yeah, it was definitely the road we were on. But man, the detour wasn’t bad when you have phenomenal company!

On the way home they both said “You made this so special for us.” And that…right there…that sentence…is my heart. They are eagerly awaiting this blog post, these previews, reminiscing on last night, probably laughing to themselves as they go about their morning and years down the road, these photos will take them back to all of those memories every single time they see them.

Do whatever you have to do to get ready to see this phenomenal couples engagement photos…….and maybe laugh a little…okay A LOT….because we had a phenomenal day yesterday.



Makeup by Beauty By Kristen Nicholle

Hair by Madison Westberg

Two piece outfit from Free People

Dress from O’Neil

Ring is made by Jordan Jewelers






  • Nancy Whitley
    June 4, 2019

    Denise you did an outstanding, beautifully awesome job on Elizabeth and Jake’s engagement pictures. I’ve had the pleasure of watching this beautiful lady grow up. She called my mom and dad Papa and Nunu. She’s has become such an amazing, beautiful mother, daughter, friend and beautiful soul. Elizabeth I’m happy beyond the moon for the two of you❤️❤️❤️

  • Elisabeth
    June 4, 2019

    This just melted my heart! ❤️ Love you nancy! Thank you so much , jake and I are beyond happy and so excited for this journey ! Denise is so amazing behind the camera! We are so excited to see the rest of our beautiful day!❤️

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