Denise Marie Photos

You’re going back and forth. You are afraid of it taking away from the moment he see’s you walking down the aisle but you like the idea of having some private time together on your wedding day….

First thing I want you to do , is to take a deep breath. Your wedding day is going to be PERFECT no matter what you decide.

Ultimately, this is YOUR wedding day. So regardless of timelines and what other peoples opinions are…you should do what is on your heart! There are some subtle changes that are made depending on what you decide!

Most of my couples do decide to do a first look and here’s why!

  1. It gives you and your babe some private time to really soak in your wedding day together. Most of your day is spent with other people so cutting out this time for just you two is really special.
  2. A lot of my couples choose to read their personal vows during this time. It is nerve racking enough standing and speaking in front of everyone but showing the raw parts of your heart with a crowd can be intimidating! During the first look and vows, it is just you two. I stay back a little and capture this from afar to allow for those special, intimate moments.
  3. You are able to get all of your family and bridal party photos done before your ceremony!
  4. You get to enjoy most of the day together! When you choose to forego a first look, you don’t see each other until the ceremony which is typically in the evening!
  5. This is also super nice for your guests because they don’t have to wait around after your ceremony for us to take all of your family and bridal party photos.

Here’s my bride’s take on it! “I was worried that having a first look would ruin it when he saw me walking down the aisle but I was totally wrong. Having a first look and reading our vows together was my favorite part of our entire wedding day. The first look truly enhanced our wedding day! Also, my husband gets super nervous in front of people and this really helped calm his nerves! (and mine!) We had so much fun doing our bridal party photos together and were happy that after our ceremony we had all of those photos done!”

There is also the option of doing a “first touch” where you hold hands, read vows, or pray together but don’t see each other! You can blindfold him, stand back to back or use a door or wall to separate each other. This still allows you to have a special moment together without actually seeing each other! (and really builds the anticipation!!)

I truly want to honor each of my couples, so if a first look is not right for your perfect day, that is totally okay! First look, first touch, or an aisle first look – either way, I know that the details of your special day will come together flawlessly!!