Denise Marie Photos


I am always amazed at my clients adorable freakin dresses they find on Amazon!! Karlie found this floral print, wrap dress and it was seriously perfect for her engagement photos!

One of my favorite parts of what I do is getting to know each couples story. How they met, who asked who out, who kissed who first, who apologizes first, who’s more stubborn…each couple is so unique and it is truly incredible how God brings couples together and creates each heart for their soul mate. Soooo if you hire me as your wedding photographer be prepared for lots of questions! πŸ™‚

When I showed them the back of the camera we totally felt like we were in another country or something! The glowing grass, the green trees and bright orange sunset….ahhhhh it was amazing.


  • Alyssa
    July 24, 2019

    Obsessed! So dang beautiful I can’t even handle it!!!!!

  • Holly
    July 24, 2019

    Love these pictures! Both the couple and the location are perfect ❀

  • Karlie
    July 25, 2019

    Gosh what can I even say! We are not a couple to even take selfies let alone get a couple photo shoot together. Denise made taking engagement photos feel so easy. We were constantly told what to be doing with our bodies to make amazing and natural photos and it never once felt awkward which is saying something when I can feel awkward taking a selfie in my own back yard. The photographer really does make the entire experience! Ourselves and everyone who loves us will cherish these pictures forever ❀️

  • LeAnn
    July 25, 2019

    Beyond Amazing 😊

  • Beverly Crocker
    July 25, 2019

    These are amazing!! You both look so happy and in love and I look forward to your wedding day next summer. Congratulations on your engagement. πŸ’žπŸ’ž

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