Denise Marie Photos

Another New England couple!! Rhode Island!!

I can’t even tell you guys how sweet these two are! They were so darn easy to photograph and can we take a minute to swoon over Jen’s freckles!? And how contagious are their smiles!?!?

There’s something about all the incredible people I get to serve. We meet as complete strangers and by the end of it we’re planning my trip to come visit them, show me around and of course, do more photos. There is more to what I do than just pushing a button. It’s forming these relationships, creating friendships and fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. That is just something that I cannot put into words. And I have the honor of fulfilling that because of people like Jen & Paul.

So, thank you for trusting me and allowing me to be a small part of your life journey. It means more to me than I could ever express. My prayer is that these images will be cherished by many for years and years.

And Jen, I can’t wait to see which one you choose for your big canvas!!