Denise Marie Photos

Grinning ear to ear. The sound of pure joy ringing in my ears. The ache in my cheeks beginning to twinge. My finger clicking away on the shutter button as I soak in the reality of my job. My heart swells when I get to take a split moment during a shoot to soak up what God has me doing. My prayer for each of my shoots is that the images we create bless each and every person they come in contact with. That one of these photos will be their background on their phone and one glance down on a stressful day can bring a smile to their face, their loved ones face and to all of your faces as well. <3

Soooooo, TRUTH….I thought these were mustard fields but it turns out they are turnips! My sunrises and sunsets have been full of these shoots and I can’t wait to get them all up on the blog! I know Jordan and Jake from Hubcity Crossfit in Albany, OR and had the privilege of briefly photographing them during a family shoot this winter. My heart just about exploded when Jordan texted me to do these photos because…let’s be honest, I was dying to get them in front of the camera again. 🙂  Please tell me that your cheeks don’t hurt from their contagious smiles by the time you scroll to the end!


Denise Marie



  • Cami
    August 10, 2020

    This is so pretty!! Would you mind sharing where this is at?

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